It's that time again - with Fall here, summer frenzy winding down, it's stock-taking time. That is - many of us find ourselves in thoughtful mode, like The Hermit walking down the contemplative road with the High Priestess on his arm. As the leaves fall from the once green trees, it's time to look backwards and forward. This time of year is a reminder of our mortality, of time passing, of change ahead, of goals met and unmet, of forks in our roads. It's time to see what's working and what isn't, what's fulfilling us and what we may need to release or change. With the day and night in equal balance tonight, you may too be thinking on how to reflect that balance in your own life. I know I am. Today's card is The Wheel of Fortune, a perfect card for the Equinox.
Now, The Wheel often indicates a winning ticket - success, good fortune, positive turn of events. But in the context of the Equinox, its expanded meaning applies. What goes up, must come down, what goes around comes around. That's the message and reminder the Equinox and The Wheel bring us today. Be passionate, be intense, love life, love all you do, feel deeply - but keep the balance. Having that third drink at that great party might not be the best choice even if you think you're having the best time of your life. Giving into those urges that we know may not be healthy or right may feel ecstatic at the moment, but there's always the later. Even things that are healthy, when overdone, turn into their opposite. Commitment to work is usually a good thing - unless we overdo it and pay the price in other areas of our lives - our health, our relationships, etc. Passionate intensity in anything can be good, or bad. Balance is the key. The Wheel tells us: What goes around, comes around. What I do today for good or bad will come back in one way or another. A balanced present leads to a balanced future; a good act leads to good feelings and in one way or another, it's paid forward. So, let's reach for balance, like the day and night, light and dark. Too easily light can become dark unless we consciously hold it steady. (Image below from the gorgeous Tarot de St. Croix)
I finally did it and bought an oracle deck to go with my growing tarot deck collection - The Enchanted Map Oracle. I'd seen pictures of some cards from the deck and really liked the artwork - all of it digital collage, but very well done and enhanced. I find the art to be beautiful, evocative, and imaginative. I debated about using an oracle, as I find tarot usually gives more than enough information on any question, so why bother with anything else I reasoned. However, after reading countless postings on Facebook from tarot people who also use oracle decks, I decided to give this deck a try.
I haven't been disappointed; in fact, I've been pleasantly surprised at how well the deck reads and so far, the similarity of some of the cards to tarot in their imagery and meanings. True I've only so far used this oracle for daily one-card draws and as a complement to a daily tarot draw, but I'm finding it to be spot on positive and thought-provoking, just as I find tarot to be. I really like the absence of keywords on the cards; instead, there's only the card number on the top and its name on the bottom, allowing the viewer to take in the imagery intuitively, though there is a pretty good LWB accompanying the deck for reference as well. I think I'll be using this deck as an accompaniment to tarot readings, both for myself and others - possibly as an end draw, for additional advice. It's certainly works well for single card draws, as mentioned above. I haven't yet tried it for spread work, so I'll be getting back to you all with my verdict on that. But for now, I love this oracle! |
AuthorI am an intuitive counselor and visionary artist who has studied and worked with Tarot for over 20 years. I am an avid collector of tarot art, as well as a creator. I am the creator of four oracle decks. I also have an extensive collection of tarot art images on which you can enjoy. Archives
February 2016
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