So here it is again today - another synchronicity! The Card of the Day on my Facebook business page was Queen of Swords (which I go into there); the card of the day for discussion by James Ricklef also on Facebook was - you guessed it - Queen of Swords! Ok, so I'm noticing these, not trying to figure them out - if there's anything to figure that is. Maybe, though, part of the meaning is in the cards. Ok, so The Moon tells us things hidden are emerging, and the Queen of Swords tells us to pay attention to truth, cut through illusions - think there's a correlation there? Taro, the Universe, wants to be sure we hear its messages, so it will repeat them, again and again. I'm listening - are you? Can't wait to see what tomorrow might bring!
Queen of Swords below from Tarot Illuminati by Kim Huggens & Erik C. Dunne
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AuthorI am an intuitive counselor and visionary artist who has studied and worked with Tarot for over 20 years. I am an avid collector of tarot art, as well as a creator. I am the creator of four oracle decks. I also have an extensive collection of tarot art images on which you can enjoy. Archives
February 2016
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