![]() Today's Card of the Day on my Facebook page is the Eight of Mirrors (Cups, from Chrysalis Tarot); another reader, one whose website I've checked out more than once and admired, pulled the same card for today. She also said much of what I posted on my page. Ok, that's no coincidence, since a card is a card and most of us learned similar meanings way back - but for both of us to pull the same card for the same day does give me pause. Maybe we're both learning from each other on some level? Or perhaps we're synched? (half joking here!) Or maybe it's a message that the message of this card is important so pay attention – especially perhaps to me, since I'm the one experiencing the synchronicity the strongest. Ok, so what's the message then? Well, taking stock, seeing what needs to end, checking values and truths, moving on. While it's about endings, it's also about beginnings, a new path. The traditional RWS version of this card shows a figure with a staff, back to the viewer, walking up a path into some hills surrounded by water, as if for a long journey. It is night and the moon looks down upon him. Behind him are 8 stacked golden cups. Clearly he has left something behind (by choice since the cups aren't overturned), but he is resolute and there's no turning back. He's got a new journey ahead. Ok, so I'm wracking my brains - yes, I've got it. Today especially, I've been considering several different tracks of further spiritual, mostly tarot-oriented studies. I'm trying to decide which is right for me, and at this time. They have different orientations and it's certainly not easy to decide, since they all are compelling. I pulled a card on this question from the Vision Quest Tarot - a very nice deck, btw, which is my latest deck acquisition. I haven't worked with it much yet, but am certainly drawn to its artwork and already love its LWB, which I find to be very spiritual and goes beyond the conventional interpretations. It's really a lovely, empowering deck I think. Well, back to the card I pulled. It is the Six of Earth (Pentacles), here subtitled Break-through. Wow, breakthrough all the mumbling in my head on this, maybe? Well, also interestingly, one of my best paintings is called Breakthrough (without the hyphen). The other interesting thing is the card in this deck shows a figure standing in front of sunflowers, arms raised - another synchronicity in that, first, sunflowers are a symbol of joy for me and I love the image from Tarot de St Croix for The Sun card, which is very similar. (I'd been thinking about getting that deck too recently). The Sun is another icon for my tarot business (after the White Rabbit) as it's all about illumination, joy, success, empowerment - all things I relate to Tarot and what I want to bring to my consultations with others. Wow, so what is it saying then? Part of the message for this card in the deck's LWB is this: "Recognize your truest wishes and act on them." Wow! So, its message then, is to identify what I really, truly deeply want...where do I want my practice to go? For what ends? What is important to me? It is close to the message of Toney Brook's Chrysalis LWB - find your truth, right now, today, this moment and embrace it. Go Within. Expand your sense of self to include the spiritual realm. Discard what no longer works or serves. Maybe it's also an inspiration for a new painting, as I've been collecting pictures of sunflowers and wanting to create something featuring them. Maybe it's telling me to shine on, but know where I'm going....not just any road...like George Harrison wrote: "If you don't know where you're going, any road will take you there." You can be The Fool, which isn't all bad, or you can be The Sun, shining your own way down the road. Anyone have any insights into this you'd like to share? I'd love to hear them here!
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AuthorI am an intuitive counselor and visionary artist who has studied and worked with Tarot for over 20 years. I am an avid collector of tarot art, as well as a creator. I am the creator of four oracle decks. I also have an extensive collection of tarot art images on Pinterest.com which you can enjoy. Archives
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